Fenn Rau from Star Wars: Rebels with his helmet on. This button goes back to the main page.

about me

aleks/fedyor - he/it - 18

howdy, my name is caithe. i also use these various other names, feel free to use any you wish:

i am 18 years old, i use he/it pronouns primarily though i do also use the neo/xenopronouns doll/dollself, star/starself, xe/xem, and vi/vir.
i am a neurodivergent horror and fanartist from california. in my free time, i play games, write, perform in theatre, and draw.

  • fallout

  • star wars

  • outlast

  • silent hill

  • red dead redemption 2

  • half life/portal/team fortress 2

  • dragon age

  • dnd

Fenn Rau from Star Wars: Rebels with his helmet on. This button goes back to the main page.

"why would i fight the empire when destroying you is so much easier?"